新加坡商永紐股份有限公司台灣分公司Fonterra Brands (New Young) Pte. Ltd-Taiwan Branch,原為永紐乳品公司New Young Dairy Company成立於1997年,與恆天然乳品公司 Fonterra Brands Holdings Pte. Ltd合資成立,2006年隨著恆天然乳品集團整合旗下所有事業體,永紐乳品公司也正式更名為「新加坡商永紐股份有限公司台灣分公司」。
乳製品是人類發明中,全世界公認最有營養價值的食物之一。「乳」為製造乳製品的原料,取自於牛、羊的乳汁,其中包括了人體所需的養分,更富含豐富的蛋白質。對現代人而言,乳製品是必需品,更是料理中不可或缺的食材。從糕點、麵包、月餅至各式料理,乳製品都扮演著不可或缺的角色。早期台灣的烘焙業,使用傳統酥油及豬油製造了各式各樣的烘焙產品,為了提供台灣消費者更自然更香純的奶油,於1969年台灣引進西方進口奶油-世界知名的安佳(Anchor)奶油,台灣師傅們得以開始使用純淨的奶油代替酥油,製造出營養且符合健康的烘焙產品,台灣的烘焙產品及料理市場 ,開始中西文化交融,並且也為日後永紐的成立與發展奠下根基。
Fonterra Brands (New Young) Pte. Ltd. - Taiwan Branch, formerly the New Young Dairy Company, was first established in 1967 and was quickly appointed as the sole agent of Anchor products in 1969. The company officially setup as a joint venture partner of Fonterra Brands Holdings Pte. Ltd. in 1997.
Dairy products are becoming an essential part of Taiwanese diet, with New Young being the pioneer that brought the first import of butter into Taiwan market in 1967. Over the years wider acceptance of dairy products soon led to a cultural evolution that saw the market shift away from consumption of margarines and vegetable fats, and move toward the natural goodness of dairy.
We pride ourselves as the best dairy solution provider in the market, with dedicated focus on quality, innovation and service that make New Young and Anchor the most trusted brand in the industry.
In light of recent food safety incidents that caused wide-spread panic and fear, New Young is dedicated to continue being the best dairy solution provider in the industry, instilling confidence in the minds of our customers with safe, healthy and quality products.